What is bee pollen?
Bee pollen is done by bees and at the same time is food for young bees. It is considered to be one of the most nutritious foods, because it contains almost all the nutrients necessary for the human organism. Pollen collected by bees is rich in proteins (approximately 40% protein), amino acids, vitamins, including vitamin B complex and folic acid.
Bee pollen is a “finished” food and contains many elements that animal products do not possess. Bee pollen is richer in protein than any animal source. Contains more amino acids than beef, eggs or cheese with the same weight. About half of its proteins are in the form of pure amino acids that are directly digested by the body.
It is important to know that collecting one teaspoon of pollen takes one bee eight hours a day for one month. Each grain of bee pollen contains over two million colorful dusts, and one teaspoon contains over two and a half million grains of bee pollen.
Dr. Gabriel Cozins, ranked the bee pollen in his top 22 of the most recommended energy sources. Bee pollen can be used in medicine for various problems: from prostate problems to those with skin, and also helps to improve nutritional imbalance of the body.
Here we will introduce you to just 10 great reasons to add fresh bee pollen to your daily diet … even though there are many more!
1. Increasing energy – The range of food additives contained in bee pollen makes it an excellent natural energy source. B Carbohydrates, Proteins and Vitamins can help keep you fit throughout the day, improving your stamina and resistance to fatigue.
2. Skin soothing – Bee pollen is often used in products used to treat inflammatory skin processes such as common psoriasis or eczema. Amino acids and vitamins protect the skin and help regenerate cells.
3. Respiratory system – Bee pollen has a high content of antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory effects on the tissues of the lungs and prevent the onset of asthma.
4. Treating allergies – Pollen reduces the presence of histamine and affects favorably most of the allergies. Dr. Leo Conway reports that 94 percent of his patients have completely healed from allergic symptoms after they started consuming pollen. Everything from asthma and allergies to sinus problems is treated with the help of pollen, and this is evidence that it is effective against a wide range of diseases related to the respiratory system.
5. Digestive system – In addition to healthy vitamins, minerals and proteins, bee pollen contains enzymes that help digestion. Enzymes help your body to get the necessary nutritional supplements.
6. Strengthening the immune system – Pollen is good for the intestinal flora and thus strengthens the immune system. According to health expert Dr. Joseph Merkel, bee pollen has antibiotic-like properties that protect the body from viruses. It is also rich in antioxidants that protect cells from damaging oxidation of free radicals.
7. Treats addictions – Used to treat addictions and various harmful desires by suppressing impulses.
8. Strengthens the cardiovascular system – Bee pollen contains large amounts of routine, an antioxidant bioflavonoid that cleanses capillaries, blood vessels and norms cholesterol levels. Its anti-clotting ability can help prevent heart attack.
9. Helps with prostate problems – Men who suffer from benign prostatic hyperplasia can get relief by using bee pollen. It can help reduce the infection and thus stop frequent urination.
10. Infertility problems – Bee pollen stimulates and restores the functions of the ovaries and can therefore also be used for pregnancy-related problems. As well as a hormonal stimulant, he is also a great aphrodisiac.