Royal Jelly

Production, Storage and Processing of Royal Jelly


Royal JellySince royal jelly can not be synthesized in a laboratory, the only way to extract it is through natural processes in the hive. The collection of this substance is not very complicated and the following methods can be used:

● The first thing needed is a strong bee family with very young bees removing the bee. Beehives are supplied with special cells for the breeding of mother bees, which are called “nurseries”, with larvae in them.

● A bee family can not live without a mother bee because it is dying. Therefore, the working-class bees are trying to breed one, starting hard to produce royal jelly and filling the special cells with it.

● After about two or three days, Royal Jelly can be taken out of the cages – then it is in the best quality and in the highest quantity. This process is done manually by scraping the royal jelly with a wooden or glass spoon.

● In the hive, new pigs are placed to fill the bees with royal jelly. Normally, the bee colonies have about 50 bees. Worker bees are very attached to the service of the mother bee. When they notice the absence of a mother bee in the hive, the workers work hard to produce one and produce a strong jelly royale. It is important that in the hive the presence of several bees is allowed, otherwise worker bees will stop the production of royal jelly.

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Each mattress contains 200-300 mg. Jelly, and about 50-100 umbilical cord can be placed in a hive. With a strong bee family and additional food, 400-600 g of bee jelly can be harvested for one season.

The royal jelly is stored in a hermetically sealed glass container in a dark and cool place, as the light can spoil the taste and nutritional value of the product. It is a liquid that contains about 67% water and is therefore prone to contamination after being removed from the sterile hive environment.

Once removed from the hive, royal jelly must be processed quickly to avoid contamination – ideally within two or three hours. The processing typically includes one or a combination of the following steps:

● product processing with chemical preservatives;

● adding a natural preservative such as honey; Mixing with honey, however, can worsen its properties, as the enzymes contained in the honey destroy some of the jelly’s ingredients. This can be avoided by preheating the honey for 1-2 hours at a temperature above 50-55 ° C, thereby inactivating its enzymes.

● freezing or cooling the substance. In natural form, the royal jelly can maintain its properties for up to 6 months at a temperature of -2 ° C to -5 ° C or up to one and a half years at a temperature of -18 ° C to -20 ° C.

● product lyophilization (water removal);

Lyophilization is a process in which water is extracted from the product under the influence of high vacuum and low temperature without affecting its nutritional properties. The royal jelly produces a white powder that can be encapsulated for human consumption. In encapsulated form, the product usually has a shelf life of 4 years and cooling is not required.

Lyophilization “blocks” the nutritional content of the product and eliminates any doubt about its use. For example, if you select liquid royal jelly sold as “refrigeration needs”, how can you know that the product was refrigerated and stored and that it was not in a partial decomposition stage with reduced nutritional properties?

Amino acids in royal jelly (Royall Jelly) are of great interest to dieticians and, in fact, may be a major source for the benefits of royal jelly. In the context of the ability to fight free radicals in the body, amino acids form the basis of the chemical composition of the body and are essential for its growth and its ability to fight infections and diseases. In most cases, we can not make our own amino acids, but we have to get them through the diet.

In short, royal jelly (Royall Jelly) is a true treasure in the diet and is recognized as a powerful carrier of energy, vitality and a host of health benefits. It differs in the nutritional properties of bee pollen and propolis, it offers a wide range of amino acids and other nutrients that may be beneficial to your health.

Rich in minerals, natural hormones, vitamins, fatty acids, folic acid and aspartic acid, which is important for the regeneration and growth of tissues. It contains all the essential amino acids needed to sustain life.

This is a bee honey product with a magical touch of bee in it. One day, science will find out what these unknown elements are and become researchers.

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